I mean, this soon-to-be-twenty kid! At this point of my life, there are several things I would like to have and I would like to do. Let me share 'em with you :D
1. rubber shoes - I'm a pig and I love pigging out. I realized that I cannot just give up eating my favorites- ice cream, chips, greasy food, or anything that you bring out into the table. I live for laughter, and food! So, to keep me from becoming the whale that I could be if I continue eating like one, I have to sweat out everything I eat. And what's holding me back from jogging in the mornings, playing badminton with Hya, or playing basketball in the backyard is that my rubber shoes aren't in good shape anymore. I need new ones!
2. a job - I am so
tamad at the moment to find a job but I know I want to start working really soon! Just staying at home, staring at the ceiling or updating my Facebook all day long is starting to bore and annoy me as day after day passes by. I want to be productive. I want to deserve the break. Most of all, I want the pay! :D
3. softball - I want to play softball again, very very badly. I miss holding the bat tightly, hitting the ball hard and running from one base to another. It is one thing I believe I am good at. Playing softball is one of the nicest feelings I have ever experienced so far. The challenge, the pressure and the excitement of this sport brings out the athlete in me. (yaks!) Seriously, I have been dreaming of playing again for more than two years now. It's been that long since I last played ball. Missing it so much!
4. a trip to the beach - Who doesn't want to go hit the beach in this damn hoooooooooot weather!
5. Judith McNaught books - Due to financial constraints and other priorities, I have reluctantly stopped buying them. I think I still have 5 more of McNaught's works to buy in order to complete my collection.
6. letters - I love receiving letters as much as I love giving them out. It is heartwarming to be told once in a while that you are a wonderful daughter, a great friend or an extraordinary person, even in a piece of paper. They can be our source of inspiration when we forget that we are special in our own way.
7. a new hair color - for an instant cool new look!
8. twilight saga - I told myself that when I reread Stephenie Meyer's creations, they have to be actual books ('coz I had read them through ebooks) and the books have to be mine! I believe I owe the talented author that.
9. mountain trip - I want to see how far I can go, test my endurance, patience and survival skills. Then I want to shout at the peak of the mountain that I actually succeeded in climbing it. That would be very very cool!
10. a bottle of perfume - The one I'm using will survive in just two months at most. And that is, if I conserve the use of it really well. For me, smelling good is as equally important as looking good.
11. cheek stain - I want to learn how to apply makeup on my face. I think it's a skill that is very necessary for ladies. For newbies, applying color in their pale cheeks is the first step to becoming their own makeup artist. I am on that first step, so I need a cheek stain and the brand that I want to buy costs a week's allowance. (And I forgot I can no longer ask for allowance. This is why I need a job :D)
12. eyeliner - to make my eyes look smaller, or to make them appear more alive when I lack sleep.
13. a pair of white flats - They can be paired up with almost anything, making it a must-have.
14. a dress - I am a big girl now, I want to start upgrading my closet.
15. camera - I want to capture people's greatest moments, family events, the places that I would like to go to, etc. etc. There are a lot of moments that my 2 megapixel camera phone failed to capture. At the moment, I know it's impossible for me to have this, but I will try to really save up for a nice one.
16. videoke with friends - It's one of my most favorite things to do. I love to sing my heart and lungs out and seeing the score after a song makes me feel like I'm a pro singer.
17. reunion with Ocean's - So many things have happened to each of the twelve of us after our highschool graduation. I can't remember a time in the past four years that we are all present in an event. Some of us have already graduated from college and it would be nice to reunite and see how things have actually been for all of us. Though I occasionally meet up with most of them, I extremely miss the feeling of all of us being together.
18. new undies - Need not elaborate. :)
19. a diary - I want to start writing again at the end of every day. Writing my experiences/worries/plans/thoughts down makes me feel good about myself for some reason that is hard to explain. I want a new diary, one with more number of beautiful leaves/pages.
20. (SECRET) -I am keeping this all to myself. :D
Looking forward to being twenty! I am a teen no more.