HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all moms in the whole wide universe. I salute you for having the most difficult profession and for braving every hardship that motherhood entails. To the bravest yet tender-hearted woman I have ever known, my MOM, my INAY, my MAX, Happy Mother's Day to you!

Dear MAMA,
I haven't bought you a gift or written you a card. All I did was plant a kiss on your cheek and greet you a Happy Mother's Day. You smiled and your eyes twinkled as if those were the sweetest words you've ever heard, while in my heart I know I can do better than just that.
For the past few years, I think I've been unfairly unkind to you. You see, I have long stopped talking to you with po and opo. You have given up on reminding me that and probably just went on thinking that it's not found in college textbooks anymore. Though I haven't been into drugs nor flunk my subjects intentionally, I think I've been a little pain in your butt. A pain you never had the heart to scratch. The kind of pain you had embraced and loved deeply.
My head growing so hard is probably a part of my being a teenager. I apologize if there are things I keep from you. I am sorry for shouting my words when you have not heard them the first time. I'm sorry if I sometimes (or shall I say most of the time?) ignore your motherly concerns and pieces of advice. I apologize too for the times I have voiced my complaints and thoughts without thinking twice and if I have reasoned out with unreasonable arguments. And most of all, I am sorry if it was always you cleaning my own room. :)
Thank you for being so patient, loving and understanding. No matter how big I become or how independent I will be, I know I will always come home to mama, to my MAMA. I love you to the moons of Jupiter. You are always in my prayers. You are a big part of my future plans. And I hope you know that I always carry you in my heart.
your Sharry:)
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