
happy anniversary!

Today marks the first year of my web log! To everyone who pays my page a visit whenever they feel like it, you are too many to mention but I'll mention anyway: Ria, Ace, Allen, Ria, Ace, Allen, Allen, Ria, Ace, Ace, Ria, Allen, Ria, Ria, Ria, Ace, Ace, Ace, Allen, Allen, Allen, most especially Ria, Ace and Allen, THANK YOU SO MUCH! YOU KEEP ME GOING. I WOULDN'T HAVE MADE MY FIRST YEAR WITHOUT YOU GUYS. KEEP UP THE SUPPORT AND LOVE. I TRULY APPRECIATE IT. I HOPE TO SEE YOU AT MY AUTOGRAPH SIGNING WHICH WILL BE HELD IN MY DREAMS. (tigas ng mukha ko I know!)

Seriously, thanks to the few people who drop by and bother going inside my thoughts and keeping up with my endless dramas, ramblings, cheesy lines and pathetic jokes. I also go visit your blogs as often as I open mine and I must say, it helps diminish my longing for your company a pinch.

I started a blog for several reasons. Firstly, I got so inspired with Bianca Gonzales'. Her posts are really heartwarming and moving. I thought that if like her, I write from the heart, I will inspire people too or make their day at least. I don't know how I am holding up but this much I know, everything I post here was typed by my fat fingers, guided by my heart.

Secondly, I want to prove myself that I can do things and one of them is write. I am far better a writer than a speaker, or so I think. I eat my words when I speak. I seem to develop a P&F, B&V deficiency when I'm nervous. I forget my lines and my stories. I keep everything short when I talk. I struggle with my subject-verb agreement too. With blogging, I have a chance to reflect on what I have written and consult with dictionaries and thesaurus for words that best describe how I feel or what I want to say. Readers, unlike listeners, would not be able to see me blush or hear me stutter stupidly.

Thirdly, I find blogging relaxing and therapeutic. They say and I agree that it's good to write your feelings down. To let go of and get over with the negativities and have the good ones to keep and ponder on. It's like having another friend, only this 'friend' will not give you the advice you need or talk back to you like living friends do.

Fourthly, I keep a blog because it makes me feel that I'm tactful and nice. I am not so good with paying compliments, niceties and comfort words because I am not sure how to say them right. Oftentimes, I just end up saying stupid nonsense things. I do them better when I write. It is also in here where I publish the letters I so wanted to give, but for some reason, could not.

And lastly, this blog helps me express my mind, my heart, myself. It reveals many parts of moi that interested people are very much welcome to have a glimpse of, like : the writer in me, the poetic side of me, the I-know-what-I'm-saying me, the me who love and appreciate and hurt, the part of me that actually thinks, the emo in me, the coward me, the sucker-for-romance me, the ME who dreams, etc.

Thanks really for bearing with me and I'll continue keeping you posted about anything and everything under the sun and the moon!

God loves us all!
